Friday, July 10, 2009

Winds.....and other obstacles

Monday afternoon we noticed that the sky looked like there was a chance of rain. Suddenly winds picked up. The kids and I went outside when we heard some noise, probably when two of the neighbor's trees fell.
The MAF Haiti offices at the airport receive their internet signal from an antenna on our house. Tuesday morning, Todd called from the airport to see if I could reset the modem which controls MAF-Haiti internet because they were offline. I tried all of the normal tricks, but nothing worked. Finally I went up to the roof to make sure everything was OK. The antenna had toppled over in the strong winds, and several of the guy wires had snapped. Fortunately it had fallen on a rack of solar panels, so that saved the antennas, but the pole was bent and one of the middle solar panels was cracked.
Todd raced home to try to sort things out so the office could get back on line as quickly as possible. Because Jason Krul had a day off, he was at home nearby. He brought his wife Willhelmina and another guy Arnon to help us lift and guide the heavy pole back into place. George was at our house sweeping at the time, so he also helped Todd and the rest of us lift and steady. Soon the antennae was transmitting again.
Yesterday morning when Todd got up he found that the server was down and would not respond to the typical quick fixes. Around noon he had things back up and running. As he started out for the airport in the MAF truck, he realized that the clutch had gone out. He fixed that by bleeding the hydraulic clutch, but by that time it was not worth it to go clear to the airport just to turn around and come back. Instead he restrang some of the guy wires on our antenna pole. That of course made me nervous since the ladder he climbed was leaning against the pole that was mostly ripped out of the concrete when it fell, just hanging on by a little piece. Apparently it was enough.
By that time Mark returned from the airport with the ticketing office's computer which has been plagued by viruses that leave it virtually unusable. We ate supper, had a little family time until the kids went to bed, and then Todd started in with trouble-shooting the office computer problems again until way past time for us to go to bed.......
There will always be those delays, the unexpected, ....sometimes to hinder our progress, but other times to keep us from something which could cause more damage. Please pray for us to have the correct response in the face of obstacles like these, to always seek God's wisdom and not just settle for second best in the urgency of the moment.

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