Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas Letter-2009

Merry Christmas!

Joyeux Noel! Kontan Nwèl!

Wow!!! What a year of newness 2009 has been for our family!! I love new beginnings with all of the joys and challenges they bring. We thank God for His mercy and faithfulness each step of the way. Last year at this time we were out in the province learning Haitian language and culture. We met many wonderful friends and were able to experience village life first-hand. Part of me now misses the freedom the kids had to run all over the camp discovering creatures, the night sounds and sky full of stars, hot and fresh bread when we could get it, driving the little Rhino (about like a golf cart) to town, the boys playing soccer each afternoon, picking grapefruits right off the tree, living simply with about 5 totes worth of stuff in 3 rooms..... Lots of wonderful memories. Now I am thankful for things like a washing machine, a big cistern, floors and a bathroom that I feel like we can scrub clean, SCREENS!!!, a church home, wonderful neighbors, stores, and a car that runs!!! All of the challenges have served to make us appreciate our many blessings.

At the end of February, we returned to Port au Prince to begin city life. Since we were gone to language school for three months, we had left everything in boxes until we returned and were able to paint. With the help of my parents and sister Hannah we were able to complete the task and finally unpack!!! The kids finished out the school year at Quisqueya School, and Todd began work in MAF's hangar at Haiti's national airport. There he stays busy with inspections, parts ordering, and giving the airplanes the TLC they need. Whenever he is home, though, he has a very long list of projects to keep him out of trouble. :)

This summer our whole family visited the States, just at two separate times. The Church of the Nazarene's General Assembly (every 4 yrs.) was in Orlando this year, so the kids and I got to attend. We saw LOTS of family and friends there!! :) Just after we got back, Todd and Michael Broyles ferried a plane across the ocean where they rendezvoused with Frank Gibbs (retired MAF mechanic) in FL to do an engine change on

HH-PTL. Most of the American families with kids around here spent the summer in the States. We missed them but enjoyed the down time to make Haiti our home. Kyle and Megan spent most days in the water, playing together or with other neighbor kids. It was very healing and relaxing for them to wake up "at home" each morning. This fall they were ready to begin classes again, and I was more ready to get involved in the life of the school.

Kyle and Megan have been such little blessings and so much fun to interact with at each stage of their lives, but I feel like we somehow enjoy them more each day. Kyle is still a kind yet adventurous explorer who loves animals and all things related to the study of science. During this past year he has made marked progress in reading and several sports, especially swimming and soccer. Megan enjoys all of the creatures around our house, but she also loves girly things like princess dress-up, dancing, playing dolls, painting her nails and squealing with her friends. :) At the moment, Kyle and Megan have two pets: a turtle named Sunshine and a Beta fish named Fire Prince.

Todd and I practice our Creole every chance we get, so it is rewarding to look back and see how much we have learned this year. You can survive with English here, but our goal is to be able to speak in the “heart language.” I attend both an English and a Spanish Bible study most weeks. It is fun to meet with some ladies who have been following the Lord for a long time and others who are just beginning their journey with Him. We all have something to learn and something to teach. Speaking of learning, I will begin taking online Master's classes in the spring as I work toward becoming certified to teach Spanish. I took the GRE when I was back in the US for my sister Hannah's wedding last month. I got to meet her husband Willian and had a good visit with my family.

We enjoy both our English and Creole churches each Sunday and are thankful for the sermons that our Nampa church posts on-line. More than just filling our week with church services and Bible studies, though, our desire is to grow closer to the Lord each day as we wrestle with how to best show Christ's love to those around us.

We are so thankful for the different churches and Sunday School classes and families who pray for us often and want to send a very special thank-you to all who have taken the time and effort to keep in contact this year whether via email, facebook, letters, care packages, chatting/Skype, or best of all a personal visit. :) Of course we are very aware that without the support of so many back home we would not be able to minister here, so another huge thank-you to all of you who have given to MAF on our behalf. God has been faithful, and we continue to seek Him for direction and guidance in the New Year.

Love from our home to yours.

The Edgertons

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer and Todd,
    I am glad you are safe. You are in my prayers.
    I have people inquiring about making donations for Haiti through MAF. Please send the info they need. Thanks.

